Meet our employees

“Founts of inspiration”

Sondre Hartweg Kaspersen
Customer Service Supervisor (NO)


My current role in GlobalConnect is Customer Service Supervisor, and I have been working in this position since late 2021. The best way to describe this position is as a swiss army knife: I am used in different fields for different tasks. Kind of brilliant, isn’t it?

The most exciting part of my job is this wide variety of tasks in different fields. My manager has crafted and structured such an exciting and challenging position, which is perfect for an employee like me: a person who thrives and loves having many things going on at the same time.

What made you join GC?
I wanted to work with genuine people who really care about their company, and then I heard about GlobalConnect. Having now experienced it firsthand myself, I can confirm it to be true. Working with leaders with a lot of knowledge, it has so far been a great experience for me at GC. My manager is my main source of inspiration, but seeing my colleagues climb the ladder at GC also inspires me. The company’s values are great, and I am proud to work here. It really inspires me, having so many great competences around in every discussion – for me that is special, and something you don’t feel at every company.

How would you define the GC culture?
It makes for a reliable and safe place to work. GC builds strong character and equips its employees with great tools for the future. For me, seeing how we care for our customers is outstanding. I also really believe in the EASY values of this company. But to me, GC is also much more than that; it’s a place where you can come from a non-technical environment, with no knowledge about networks or have ever spoken to a customer before and yet still master all these fields in a short amount of time. It does not matter your background nor earlier experience, if you want to learn, we will be there to guide you. This is the real culture of this company.