Meet our employees

Johan Andersson
Head of CDN development (SE)
“In all parts of the organization, we’re building something.”

Marie Skouenborg
Head of Strategy & Business Development
“I have a responsibility to create a fertile workplace for people to grow, fail, learn, and succeed – all while having fun.”

Sondre Hartweg Kaspersen
Customer Service Supervisor (NO)
“The best way to describe this position is as a swiss army knife: I am used in different fields for different tasks. Kind of brilliant, isn’t it?”

Ali Karbalaei
Cyber Security Analyst (SE)
“For me with technology, there’s no end. I just want to learn more all the time.”

Helena Bergstrand
Head of Projects Consumer (SE)
“Good leaders drive decisions and develop an engaging vision that can be understood.”

Pia Pernille Rødsten
Operations engineer (NOC)
“At NOC, we do everything in our power to keep our global network online.”

Claus Jensen
Field engineer (DK)
“When I go home from work, I feel that I have achieved something.”

Cecilia Aldrin
Business Manager (SE & FI)
“This is a challenging environment where I need to learn new things every day, but it is also something that I really enjoy and appreciate.”